The good practices reflect what pension regulatory and supervisory authorities usually expect to examine when assessing the risk management of pension funds that use alternative investments and derivatives.
Risk Management
1 December 2011
1 October 2011
This report intends to identify effective regulatory mechanisms and tools for the nominee account system, develop recommendations to better regulate nominee accounts and help regulators address relevant investor protection issues.
1 October 2011
This paper reviews the differential premiums systems used by deposit insurers and, where appropriate, suggests guidance in the form of principles and effective practices in order to enhance the differential premiums systems used by deposit insurers.
1 October 2011
These recommendations are aimed at promoting market integrity and efficiency and at mitigating the risks posed to the financial system by the latest technological developments including high frequency and algorithmic trading.
2 September 2011
Credit reporting systems are a key element of countries' financial infrastructure. The General Principles (GPs) aim at strengthening credit reporting systems to effectively support the sound and fair extension of credit in an economy as the foundation for robust and competitive markets. To this end, the GPs promote safe and efficient credit reporting systems.
The document identifies supervisory guidelines associated with the development and maintenance of key internal governance, data and modelling frameworks underlying the Advanced Measurement Approaches for operational risk.
The good practices reflect what pension regulatory and supervisory authorities usually expect to examine when assessing the risk management of pension funds that use alternative investments and derivatives are designed to help supervisory authorities in their oversight of alternative investments made by pension funds.