The Principles and Standards for Sound Compensation Practices intend to reduce incentives towards excessive risk taking that may arise from the structure of compensation schemes for significant financial institutions.
Risk Management
1 July 2009
Outsourcing poses important challenges to the integrity and effectiveness of the financial and capital markets and for the market authorities.
IOSCO establishes good practices in relation to investment managers' due diligence when investing in structured finance instruments.
6 May 2009
This IADI guidance paper examines various approaches to funding used by deposit insurers and suggests guidance on the design of funding mechanisms and other closely related features of deposit insurance system.
The principles in this document promote strong governance processes around valuations; the use of reliable inputs and diverse information sources; the articulation and communication of valuation uncertainty to internal and external stakeholders; the allocation of sufficient banking and supervisory resources to the valuation process; independent verification and validation processes; consistency in valuation practices for risk management and reporting purposes, where possible; and strong supervisory oversight around bank valuation practices.