Annual update on global adherence to regulatory and supervisory standards on international cooperation and information exchange

The FSB published 4th annual update on the status of adherence to international cooperation standards for banking, securities and insurance regulation and supervision for 60 jurisdictions. It also includes an updated toolbox of measures for promoting the implementation of these standards and announces the expansion of the evaluation process to 6 new jurisdictions.

Global adherence to regulatory and supervisory standards on international cooperation and information exchange: Status update

This 4th annual update describes the status of adherence to international cooperation standards for banking, securities and insurance regulation and supervision for 60 jurisdictions. It also includes an updated toolbox of measures for promoting the implementation of these standards and announces the expansion of the evaluation process to 6 new jurisdictions: Kuwait, Macao, Nigeria, Panama, Peru and Qatar.

FSB RCG CIS meets in Moscow, Russia

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation hosted the fourth meeting of the FSB Regional Consultative Group for the Commonwealth of Independent States in Moscow, Russia.

FSB RCG Americas meets in Panama City, Panama

The Superintendency of Banks of Panama hosted the seventh meeting of the FSB Regional Consultative Group for the Americas in Panama City, Panama.

FSB reports to G20 Brisbane Summit on Progress in Financial Regulatory Reforms

The FSB publishes a letter from the FSB Chair, a review of the structure of FSB representation, a shadow banking progress report, and an overview progress report.

FSB Chair’s Letter to G20 Leaders for the Brisbane Summit

This letter reports on progress in financial reforms and highlights the major issues for the attention of G20 Leaders, with an attached dashboard summarising the status of implementation of priority reforms.

FSB Review of the Structure of its Representation

This report sets out measures to strengthen the voice of emerging market and developing economies in the FSB while also preserving the effectiveness of its decision making process.

Progress Report on Transforming Shadow Banking into Resilient Market-Based Financing

This document sets out the FSB’s approach to transforming shadow banking into resilient market-based financing to date, and the next steps (roadmap) for 2015.

Overview of Progress in the Implementation of the G20 Recommendations for Strengthening Financial Stability

This document describes the progress made by the FSB and its members to promote financial stability and strengthen the resilience of the global financial system since the G20 St Petersburg Summit in September 2013.

Standards and Processes for Global Securities Financing Data Collection and Aggregation

This consultative document sets out the proposed standards and processes for global data collection and aggregation on securities financing transactions. The FSB welcomes comments by 12 February 2015.


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