Fourth annual report to G20 Leaders on the implementation and effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms.
Vulnerabilities Assessments
28 November 2018
FSB annual report concludes that G20 reforms have made the financial system more resilient.
27 November 2018
Letter from the FSB Chair ahead of the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Buenos Aires.
27 November 2018
Chair’s letter sets out the transitions that have occurred in 2018 and the FSB’s delivery against its four priorities for the year.
5 November 2018
FSB holds meeting of RCG for the Middle East and North Africa in Istanbul.
FSB holds meeting of RCG for Asia in Sydney.
FSB’s 2019 work programme reflects its pivot to implementing and evaluating the effects of reforms and addressing new and emerging vulnerabilities.
19 October 2018
FSB holds meeting of RCG for Europe in Vienna.
10 October 2018
FSB analysis considers primary risks from crypto-assets and their financial stability impacts.
Report updates on FSB monitoring and analysis of crypto-asset markets.