The FSB issues statement on the International Association of Insurance Supervisors’ Holistic Framework and Global Systemically Important Insurers.
Annual report on implementation of resolution reforms.
8 December 2022
Annual progress report on the implementation of resolution reforms notes continued challenges in central counterparty (CCP) resolution and resolvability; operationalising resolution plans for insurers; and cross-border resolution in the non-bank sector.
21 November 2022
List of global systemically important banks remains at 30.
21 November 2022
Thirty banks identified as G-SIBs through the annual identification process.
14 September 2022
The survey aims to gather stakeholders’ feedback, from the perspective of FMI service providers, as well as firms subject to a resolution planning requirement and bank resolution authorities (as users of FMI service providers’ responses). Based on the feedback, the FSB will consider whether the Framework needs any revisions.
28 June 2022
Register for the FSB virtual workshop on funding and interconnectedness practices to aid resolution planning for insurers on 12 July.
28 June 2022
Agenda for the FSB 12 July 2022 virtual workshop on funding and interconnectedness practices to aid resolution planning for insurers.
9 June 2022
Closing report on Phase Two of the G20 Data Gaps Initiative (DGI-2) provides an overview of the progress in addressing data gaps since the start of the DGI, the way forward for continued statistical cooperation to address remaining challenges related to DGI-2, and priorities for a new DGI to address data gaps for emerging policy needs.
9 June 2022
Additional notes (self-assessments) prepared by G20 and non-G20 FSB member economies on their respective implementation of the G20 Data Gaps Initiative (DGI-2) recommendations.