Deposit Insurance

FSB Europe Group discusses regional developments and lessons learned from March bank failures

FSB holds meeting of its Regional Consultative Group for Europe in Madrid.

Peer Review of South Africa

Peer review of the framework for bank resolution and deposit insurance in South Africa.

FSB publishes peer review on implementation of bank resolution and deposit insurance reforms in South Africa

Review finds authorities have applied the lessons from recent bank failures to inform reforms.

Implementation and Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms: Fourth Annual Report

Fourth annual report to G20 Leaders on the implementation and effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms.

FSB reports to G20 Leaders on progress in financial regulatory reforms

FSB annual report concludes that G20 reforms have made the financial system more resilient.

Implementation and Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms: Third Annual Report

Third annual report to G20 Leaders on the implementation and effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms.

FSB reports to G20 Leaders on progress in financial regulatory reforms

FSB publishes annual report, Chair’s letter and framework for evaluation of reforms ahead of G20 Leaders’ Summit.

Implementation and Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms

The second annual report to G20 on the implementation and effects of the agreed financial regulatory reforms.

FSB completes Peer Review of Saudi Arabia

The FSB published today the findings of the peer review of Saudi Arabia.

Peer Review of Saudi Arabia

The peer review examines three topics relevant for financial stability and important for Saudi Arabia: the macroprudential policy framework; bank resolution; and deposit insurance.


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