The Guidance aims to support countries, financial institutions, designated non-financial businesses and professions (DNFBPs) and virtual asset service providers (VASPs) to effectively implement FATF requirements on proliferation financing risk assessment and mitigation, introduced in October 2020.
Public consultation on the FSB’s policy proposals to enhance money market fund resilience.
Public consultation sets out policy proposals to enhance MMF resilience, including with respect to the appropriate structure of the sector and of underlying short-term funding markets.
Objectives, scope and process for the thematic peer review on corporate debt workouts.
28 June 2021
The review seeks to support COVID-19 response efforts by examining FSB member jurisdictions’ practices, experiences and lessons from out of court debt workouts, and the implications for financial stability.
23 June 2021
The Application Paper on Resolution Powers and Planning provides guidance for supervisors and resolution authorities in implementing a resolution framework, including setting up powers, as well as planning and issues around coordination and cooperation.
This Paper is part of a broader project to help insurance supervisors apply the new standards on recovery and resolution as agreed in the Common Framework for the supervision of Internationally Active Insurance Groups (ComFrame) and the Holistic Framework for the assessment and mitigation of systemic risk in the insurance sector. Recovery and resolution frameworks help reduce the likelihood of a disorderly failure of insurers, as well as the potential adverse impacts of such a failure on policyholders and/or financial stability. An earlier Paper on recovery planning was published in 2019.
The Application Paper on Supervision of Control Functions describes practices aimed at helping supervisors address issues related to the supervision of control functions as described in the Insurance Core Principles (ICPs) and the Common Framework for the Supervision of Internationally Active Insurance Groups (ComFrame). In particular, the Application Paper supports observance of ICP 8 (Risk Management and Control Functions) and is relevant to ICP 5 (Suitability of Persons) and ICP 7 (Corporate Governance).
An overview of responses to the November 2020 consultation.
FSB holds virtual meeting of the Regional Consultative Group for Sub-Saharan Africa.
2 June 2021
Update to the Global Transition Roadmap in light of announcements made confirming LIBOR cessation dates and associated proposals by authorities and national working groups.