Invitations to the workshop will be extended to all G-SIBs identified in November 2012 as well as to national and international banking federations that responded to the earlier FSB consultation exercise.
The FSB identifies the first group of 9 global systemically important insurers (G-SIIs) and the policy measures that apply to them.
17 July 2013
This consultative document provides guidance on the key elements contained in an effective risk appetite framework. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by Monday 30 September 2013.
16 July 2013
This guidance focuses on two specific aspects of recovery plans: the design and nature of criteria triggering senior management consideration of recovery actions, and the severity of hypothetical stress scenarios and the design of stress scenarios more generally.
This guidance should assist authorities and CMGs in their evaluation of the criticality of functions that firms provide to the real economy and financial markets.
This guidance aims to assist authorities and firms in implementing the recovery and resolution planning requirements under the Key Attributes. The guidance was revised in light of comments received during the public consultation.