The FSB hosted a virtual workshop on 12 July 2021 on the FSB's consultation report with policy proposals to enhance money market fund resilience.
FSB Secretary General Dietrich Domanski delivered a keynote speech at the Asian Banker Finance China 2021 Conference.
13 July 2021
FSB interim report on lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic identifies preliminary lessons for financial stability and some areas of post-2008 crisis regulatory reforms that require further consideration.
11 July 2021
FSB Chair Randal K Quarles speaks at the Venice International Conference on Climate Change
7 July 2021
Chair’s letter also highlights policy proposals to enhance the resilience of money market funds and the importance of completing LIBOR transition.
With limited time left until end-2021, all firms across the globe must act urgently to complete the steps set out in the Global Transition Roadmap.