Fifth monitoring exercise of non-bank financial intermediation in the Americas.
29 June 2020
This Application Paper on Liquidity Risk Management provides guidance on the supervisory material related to liquidity risk management in the Insurance Core Principles (ICPs) and the Common Framework for the Supervision of Internationally Active Insurance Groups (ComFrame).
Public consultation on the FSB’s evaluation.
28 June 2020
FSB seeks public feedback on evaluation findings.
28 June 2020
Opening statement by Claudia M. Buch, Vice-President, Deutsche Bundesbank, for an FSB press briefing.
FSB Secretary General Dietrich Domanski speaks on a Peterson Institute virtual panel hosted by Nicolas Véron (Peterson Institute) and Caroline Atkinson (Peterson Institute Board member and former Deputy National Security Adviser for International Economics).
FSB holds virtual meeting of Regional Consultative Group for the Americas.