Crisis Management and Resolution

The FSB Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions are the international standard for resolution regimes. The FSB has developed guidance on how to apply the standard across sectors. it also published methodologies for assessing the implementation of the Key Attributes. The FSB monitors  implementation across sectors and jurisdictions and reports progress in its annual resolution report.

The twelve Key Attributes

General and sector-specific standards, guidance and reports

Select a sector from menu to see more.

Related KAGuidance and Reports
AllDepositor Behaviour and Interest Rate and Liquidity Risks in the Financial System: Lessons from the March 2023 banking turmoil (October 2024)
All2023 Bank Failures: Preliminary lessons learnt for resolution (October 2023)
AllLessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic from a financial stability perspective: Final report (October 2023)
KA 4Temporary Stays on Early Termination Rights (October 2011)
KA 7, 12Information sharing for Resolution Purposes (November 2014)
KA 8, 9, 11Guidance on Cooperation and Information Sharing with Host Authorities of Jurisdictions where a G-SIFI has a Systemic Presence that are Not Represented on its CMG (November 2015)
KA 9Institution-specific Cross-border Cooperation Agreements (October 2011)
KA 10Resolvability Assessments (October 2011)
KA 11Essential Elements of Recovery and Resolution Plans (October 2011)
Related KAGuidance and Reports
AllFSB public statement on the importance of resolution planning and loss-absorbing capacity for banks systemic in failure (November 2024)
KA 3, 11Principles on Loss-absorbing and Recapitalisation Capacity of G-SIBs in Resolution and Total Loss-absorbing Capacity (TLAC) Term Sheet (November 2015) *The term sheet implements these principles in the form of a standard on the adequacy of TLAC
KA 3, 11Guiding Principles on the Internal Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity of G-SIBs (“Internal TLAC”) (July 2017)
KA 3,11Principles on Bail-in Execution (June 2018)
KA 3,11Bail-in Execution Practices Paper (December 2021)
KA 6Guiding principles on the temporary funding needed to support the orderly resolution of a global systemically important bank (“G-SIB”) (August 2016)
KA 6,11Funding Strategy Elements of an Implementable Resolution Plan (June 2018)
KA 7Principles for Cross-border Effectiveness of Resolution Actions (November 2015)
KA 8Good Practices for Crisis Management Groups (CMGs) (November 2021)
KA 8, 11Deployment of Unallocated Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (uTLAC): Considerations for Crisis Management Groups (CMGs) (July 2023)
KA 11Guidance on Recovery Triggers and Stress Scenarios (July 2013)
KA 11Guidance on Identification of Critical Functions and Critical Shared Services (July 2013)
KA 11Guidance on Developing Effective Resolution Strategies (July 2013)
KA 11FSB Guidance on Arrangements to Support Operational Continuity in Resolution (August 2016, revised April 2024)
Related KAGuidance and Reports
AllResolution of FMIs and FMI Participants (November 2014, revised April 2024)
AllGuidance on Central Counterparty Resolution and Resolution Planning (July 2017)
AllGuidance on Financial Resources to Support CCP Resolution and on the Treatment of CCP Equity in Resolution (November 2020, revised April 2024)
AllFinancial Resources and Tools for Central Counterparty Resolution (April 2024)
KA 11Guidance on Continuity of Access to Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs) for a Firm in Resolution (July 2017)
KA 11FSB Continuity of Access to FMIs for firms in resolution: streamlined information collection to support resolution planning (August 2020; revised August 2021)
KA 11FSB Continuity of access to FMIs for firms in resolution: Informal summary of outreach and Q&A (December 2020)
KA 11Continuity of access to FMI services (FMI intermediaries) for firms in resolution: Framework for information from FMI intermediaries to support resolution planning (August 2021)
KA 11Continuity of access to financial market infrastructure (FMI) services for firms in resolution: Statement following survey feedback (July 2023)
Related KAGuidance and Reports
KA 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12Resolution of Insurers (November 2014)
KA 3, 11Internal Interconnectedness in Resolution Planning for Insurers: Practices Paper (January 2022)
KA 11Identification of Critical Functions of Insurers: Practices paper (November 2023)
KA 6Resolution Funding for Insurers: Practices Paper (January 2022)
KA 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12Developing Effective Resolution Strategies and Plans for Systemically Important Insurers (June 2016)
Related KAGuidance and Reports
KA 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, and 12Protection of Client Assets in Resolution (November 2014)
Assessment Methodology

Key Attributes Assessment Methodology for the Banking Sector

Published October 2016


Key Attributes Assessment Methodology for the Insurance Sector

Published August 2020


2021 Resolution Reform Index (RRI)

The RRI illustrates the progress of FSB jurisdictions in adopting comprehensive bank resolution reforms since the global financial crisis. It captures a mixture of legislative and regulatory reforms and policy guidance.

Annual Resolution Reports

2024 Resolution Report: “From Lessons to Action: Enhancing Resolution Preparedness”

Annual resolution report outlines the implementation of resolution reforms and discusses the work accomplished by the FSB over the past year and anticipated work in 2025.

2023 Resolution Report: “Applying lessons learnt”

Annual report on implementation of resolution reforms takes stock of progress in making financial institutions resolvable.

2022 Resolution Report: “Completing the agenda and sustaining progress”

Annual report on implementation of resolution reforms.

2021 Resolution Report: “Glass half-full or still half-empty?”

Annual report on implementation of resolution reforms.

2020 Resolution Report: “Be prepared”

Annual report on implementation of resolution reforms.

2019 Resolution Report: “Mind the Gap”

Annual report on implementation of resolution reforms.

FSB 2018 Resolution Report: “Keeping the pressure up“

Annual report on the implementation of the reforms to help end “too-big-to-fail“”.

Ten years on – taking stock of post-crisis resolution reforms

Sixth report on resolution reforms.

Resilience through resolvability – moving from policy design to implementation

FSB’s fifth report to the G20 on progress in resolution including details on the Resolvability Assessment Process.

Removing Remaining Obstacles to Resolvability

The progress report provides an update on the FSB’s work to develop policy to allow for recovery and resolution of SIFIs.

Report to the G20 on Progress in Reform of Resolution Regimes and Resolution Planning for G-SIFIs

This report finds continuing, though incomplete, progress in the reform of resolution regimes and resolution planning and identifies areas where further work is needed.

Progress and Next Steps Towards Ending “Too-Big-To-Fail” (TBTF)

This report sets out the next steps for completing the policy measures and end the “Too Big To Fail” problem.

Resolution of Systemically Important Financial Institutions: Progress Report

An update on the reforms initiated by jurisdictions to align national resolution regimes and institutional frameworks with the Key Attributes.