Effective Resolution Regimes and Policies – Implementation

The FSB has designated resolution regimes as one of the priority areas for implementation monitoring. The task of regular monitoring and reporting in this area is carried out by the FSB Resolution Steering Group (ReSG) and its subgroups, such as the Cross-Border Crisis Management (CBCM) groups for banks, insurers and financial market infrastructures. Their activities include monitoring progress and promoting the effective implementation in substance and scope of the Key Attributes of Effective Resolution regimes in the bank and non-bank financial sectors.

The FSB reports on the status of implementation of resolution-related reforms in its Annual Report.

Status of implementation

View status of implementation of reforms in priority areas by FSB jurisdictions as reported in the latest FSB Annual Report to G20 (as of November 2024).

For further information, see the latest FSB resolution progress report (as of December 2023).

Annual Resolution Reports

2023 Resolution Report: “Applying lessons learnt”

Annual report on implementation of resolution reforms takes stock of progress in making financial institutions resolvable.

2022 Resolution Report: “Completing the agenda and sustaining progress”

Annual report on implementation of resolution reforms.

2021 Resolution Report: “Glass half-full or still half-empty?”

Annual report on implementation of resolution reforms.

2020 Resolution Report: “Be prepared”

Annual report on implementation of resolution reforms.

2019 Resolution Report: “Mind the Gap”

Annual report on implementation of resolution reforms.

FSB 2018 Resolution Report: “Keeping the pressure up“

Annual report on the implementation of the reforms to help end “too-big-to-fail“”.

Ten years on – taking stock of post-crisis resolution reforms

Sixth report on resolution reforms.

Resilience through resolvability – moving from policy design to implementation

FSB’s fifth report to the G20 on progress in resolution including details on the Resolvability Assessment Process.

Removing Remaining Obstacles to Resolvability

The progress report provides an update on the FSB’s work to develop policy to allow for recovery and resolution of SIFIs.

Report to the G20 on Progress in Reform of Resolution Regimes and Resolution Planning for G-SIFIs

This report finds continuing, though incomplete, progress in the reform of resolution regimes and resolution planning and identifies areas where further work is needed.

Progress and Next Steps Towards Ending “Too-Big-To-Fail” (TBTF)

This report sets out the next steps for completing the policy measures and end the “Too Big To Fail” problem.

Resolution of Systemically Important Financial Institutions: Progress Report

An update on the reforms initiated by jurisdictions to align national resolution regimes and institutional frameworks with the Key Attributes.
FSB Peer Reviews

Peer Review of South Africa

Peer review of the framework for bank resolution and deposit insurance in South Africa.

Thematic Peer Review on Bank Resolution Planning

Review of bank resolution planning in FSB member jurisdictions.

Peer Review of Hong Kong

Peer review examines Hong Kong’s implementation of OTC derivative market reforms and the framework for resolution of financial institutions.

Peer Review of Singapore

Peer review examines Singapore’s frameworks for macroprudential policy and resolution of financial institutions.

Peer Review of Korea

Peer review examines Korea’s crisis management and resolution framework, and the regulation and supervision of non-bank depository institutions.

Peer Review of Argentina

Peer review examines Argentina’s macroprudential policy framework and the framework for crisis management and resolution.

Peer Review of Japan

The peer review examines two topics relevant for financial stability in Japan: the macroprudential policy framework and the framework for resolution of financial institutions.

Second Thematic Review on Resolution Regimes

This thematic peer review examines bank resolution powers, as well as any requirements for recovery and resolution planning and resolvability assessments for domestically incorporated banks, in FSB jurisdictions.

Thematic Review on Resolution Regimes

The thematic peer review report evaluates FSB jurisdictions’ existing resolution regimes and planned changes to those regimes using the FSB Key Attributes for Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions as a benchmark, and makes recommendations to support its timely and consistent implementation.