Browse the Compendium of Standards

310 results

Principles on Point of Sale Disclosure

Principles that are designed to assist markets and market authorities when considering point of sale disclosure requirements for collective investment schemes (CIS).

Insolvency and Creditor Rights Standard

The ICR Standard is designed as a broad-spectrum assessment tool to assist countries in their efforts to evaluate and improve insolvency and creditor/debtor regimes.

OECD/ IOPS Good Practices for Pension Funds’ Risk Management Systems

The good practices reflect what pension regulatory and supervisory authorities usually expect to examine when assessing the risk management of pension funds that use alternative investments and derivatives are designed to help supervisory authorities in their oversight of alternative investments made by pension funds.

Guidance for national authorities operating the countercyclical capital buffer

This document serves as a supplement to the requirements set out in the Basel III rules text. In addition to providing guidance for national authorities, this document should help banks understand and anticipate the buffer decisions in the jurisdictions to which they have credit exposures.

Sound practices for backtesting counterparty credit risk models – final document

This guidance sets out supervisory expectations as well as recommendations to strengthen the backtesting of internal assessments of counterparty credit risk exposures.

IOPS Principles of Private Pension Supervision

The objectives of private pension supervision focus on protecting the interests of pension fund members and beneficiaries, by promoting the stability, security and good governance of pension funds.

Recognising the risk-mitigating impact of insurance in operational risk modelling

This document clarifies supervisory expectations on the range of industry AMA practices while promoting increased convergence in operational risk management.

Principles for Reducing Reliance on CRA Ratings

The goal of these principles is to reduce mechanistic reliance on ratings and to incentivise improvements in independent credit risk assessment and due diligence capacity.

Guiding Principles for Managing Sovereign Risk and High Levels of Public Debt (“Stockholm Principles”)

The Stockholm Principles” aim to help manage sovereign risk and high levels of public debt in an environment of elevated uncertainty.

Principles for Direct Electronic Access to Markets

This report sets forth elements regarding principles pertinent to direct electronic access (DEA), including those that address pre-conditions for DEA, information flow, and adequate systems and controls and is intended to guide markets, intermediaries and regulators.