Browse the Compendium of Standards

310 results

Handbook on Securities Statistics

The Handbook is the first publication of its kind to focus exclusively on securities statistics. It should assist in the compilation of relevant and internationally comparable data on securities; useful for monetary policy formulation and financial stability analysis.

Enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS)

The GDDS fosters sound statistical practices with respect to both the compilation and the dissemination of economic, financial, and socio-demographic statistics.

Core Principles for Islamic Finance Regulation (Banking Segment)

IFSB-17 aims to provide a set of Core Principles, along with their associated assessment methodology, for the regulation and supervision of the Islamic financial services industry taking into consideration the specificities of institutions offering Islamic financial services in the banking segment and the lessons learned from the financial crisis while complementing existing international standards, principally the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.

Code of Conduct Fundamentals for Credit Rating Agencies

The Code is intended to offer a set of robust, practical measures as a guide to and a framework for CRAs with respect to protecting the integrity of the rating process, ensuring that investors and issuers are treated fairly, and safeguarding confidential material information provided them by issuers.

Dealing with parties at fault in a bank failure and fraud in deposit insurance

This paper examines existing international approaches and practices in the area of dealing with parties at fault in a bank failure and fraud in deposit insurance, considering various aspects of investigating and prosecuting actions and omissions that contributed to bank losses and failures.

Public quantitative disclosure standards for central counterparties

This document sets out the quantitative data that central counterparties (CCPs) should publish.

Risk Mitigation Standards for Non-centrally Cleared OTC Derivatives

The risk mitigation standards for non-centrally cleared over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives.

Principles for Public Credit Guarantee Schemes for SMEs

The Principles for Public Credit Guarantees for SMEs provide a generally accepted set of good practices, which can serve as a global reference for the design, execution, and evaluation of public credit guarantees schemes around the world.

IADI Core Principles for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems

This standard serves as a benchmark for jurisdictions to assess the quality of their deposit insurance systems and for identifying gaps in their deposit insurance practices and measures to address them. It may also be used by the IMF and World Bank in the context of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) to assess the effectiveness of jurisdictions deposit insurance systems and practices.

Basic capital requirements for systemically important insurers

The BCR serves as a comparable basis for the application of proposed higher loss absorbency requirements.