Risk Management

Guidance on liquidity management and planning

The purpose of this document is to provide further guidance to group-wide supervisors on how they could direct G-SIIs to develop their liquidity management.

Principles for effective supervisory colleges

The Principles aim to promote and strengthen the operation of colleges and have been revised to reflect observations on best practice.

Guidance on Supervisory Interaction with Financial Institutions on Risk Culture: A Framework for Assessing Risk Culture

The guidance forms a basis for supervisors and firms to promote and develop a shared understanding of the firm's risk culture and have informed conversations with the board and senior management who set the tone on culture from the top.

Guidance for supervisors on market-based indicators of liquidity

This document has been published to assist supervisors in their evaluation of the liquidity profile of assets held by banks, and to help promote greater of consistency in High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) classifications across jurisdictions, for the purposes of Basel III's LCR.

Guidance for systemic risk management plans

The document provides guidance to group-wide supervisors on how they would direct global systemically important insurers (G-SIIs) to develop systemic risk management plans (SRMPs).

Principles for an Effective Risk Appetite Framework

The FSB Principles set out key elements for an effective risk appetite framework (RAF) and establish common definitions for terms used in risk appetite frameworks. The Principles aim to help enhance supervisory oversight of firms, in particular of SIFIs, and communication between supervisors and financial institutions.

Global Systemically Important Insurers: Policy Measures

This standard contains a framework of policy measures that should be applied to insurers that are determined to be global systemically important insurers (G-SIIs).

Supervisory guidance for managing risks associated with the settlement of foreign exchange transactions

This document provides guidance to supervisors and banks on approaches for managing the risks associated with the settlement of foreign exchange (FX) transactions. It expands on, and replaces, the Basel Committee's Supervisory guidance for managing settlement risk in foreign exchange transactions published in 2000.

Recommendations for Securitisation Regulation

The report makes a series of recommendations aimed at ensuring securitisation markets, including cross-border markets, develop on what IOSCO views as a sound and sustainable basis. The report also provides a very broad overview of the state of the securitization markets around the world.

Policy Recommendations for Money Market Funds

IOSCO's recommendations aim to provide common standards for the regulation and management of money market funds (MMFs) across jurisdictions, articulated around some key principles of maturity, liquidity and credit risk. In addition, the aim of these recommendations is to supplement the existing frameworks where IOSCO considers there is still room for further reforms and improvements.


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