
Financial Stability Forum Chairman Supports the G20 Call to Broaden the FSF’s Membership

Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Sovereign Wealth Funds (“Santiago Principles”)

The purpose of the Santiago Principles is to identify a framework of generally accepted principles and practices that properly reflect appropriate governance and accountability arrangements as well as the conduct of investment practices by SWFs on a prudent and sound basis.

Code of Conduct Fundamentals for Credit Ratings Agencies

Following publication of the CRA Principles, IOSCO decided to develop a more specific and detailed code of conduct giving guidance on how the Principles could be implemented in practice. This Code of Conduct Fundamentals for Credit Rating Agencies is the fruition of this exercise.

Switzerland to Join the Financial Stability Forum as a Member, Basel

Mario Draghi to Succeed Roger Ferguson as Chairman of the Financial Stability Forum

Compliance and the compliance function in banks

This document provides basic guidance for banks and sets out banking supervisors' views on compliance in banking organisations.

Statement of Principles for Addressing Sell-Side Securities Analyst Conflicts of Interest

This document sets out principles that are intended to address key issues regarding analyst conflicts of interest.

Roger W Ferguson Jr to Chair Financial Stability Forum

Principles of Auditor Independence and the Role of Corporate Governance in Monitoring an Auditor’s Independence

These principles governing independence of auditors of financial statements of listed entities and Principles relating to the oversight of an external auditor's independence by a body or bodies within an entity's corporate governance structure ("audit committee").

FSF establishes working groups

Press enquiries:+41 61 280 [email protected] no: 43/1999E  Subsequent to its last meeting in Paris in September, the Financial Stability Forum has formed and issued terms of reference for two ad hoc working groups: A task force chaired by Mr Andrew Sheng, Chairman, Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, has been asked to examine ways of […]


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