
Standing Committee on Standards Implementation (SCSI)

Standing Committee on Assessment of Vulnerabilities (SCAV)

Standing Committee on Supervisory and Regulatory Cooperation (SRC)

OECD Guidelines on Insurer Governance

This document provide guidance and serve as a reference point for insurers, governmental authorities, and other relevant stakeholders. They are applicable to any insurer licensed to underwrite life, non–life and reinsurance policies and take into account the specificities of the sector.

Financial Stability Board Proposes to Establish Regional Consultative Groups

G20 Leaders endorse the Financial Stability Board’s Charter

The G20 Leaders at today’s Pittsburgh Summit endorsed the Charter formally establishing the Financial Stability Board (FSB).The Charter also sets out its objectives, mandate, membership and organisational processes.

Original Financial Stability Board Charter (replaced in June 2012 by a revised Charter)

Guidance on Governance of Deposit Insurance Systems

This IADI guidance paper reviews the governance frameworks used by deposit insurers and, where appropriate, suggests guidance in the form of principles and effective practices in order to enhance the sound governance of deposit insurance systems.

Financial Stability Forum re-established as the Financial Stability Board

FSF re-established as the Financial Stability Board with a broadened mandate to promote financial stability.

Financial Stability Forum Decides to Broaden its Membership


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