Cooperation among Authorities

FSB Asia Group discusses technological innovation, emerging risks and resolution regimes

Press enquiries: +41 61 280 [email protected] Ref: 20/2024 The Financial Stability Board (FSB) Regional Consultative Group for Asia (RCG Asia) met today in Hong Kong SAR. Members exchanged insights from a workshop on 15 October, co-organised with the International Organization of Securities Commissions Asia Pacific Regional Committee (IOSCO APRC), on the financial stability implications of […]

Guidance on Cooperation and Information Sharing with Host Authorities of Jurisdictions where a G-SIFI has a Systemic Presence that are Not Represented on its CMG

The Guidance should assist jurisdictions in developing appropriate arrangements for ongoing communication, cooperation and information sharing with the relevant authorities in host jurisdictions that are not represented on Crisis Management Groups (CMGs).

Principles for Cross-border Effectiveness of Resolution Actions

The Principles should assist jurisdictions in developing statutory frameworks and legal processes to enable prompt effect to be given to foreign resolution actions.

Enhanced guidance for effective deposit insurance systems – Multiple deposit insurance organizations

This paper surveys countries with more than one deposit insurance organisation and provides the enhanced guidance for countries with multiple deposit insurance organizations as requested by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) Thematic Review on Deposit Insurance Systems: Peer Review Report.

Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions

The Key Attributes, adopted in 2011, set out the core elements that the FSB considers to be necessary for an effective resolution regime. This 2014 version provides additional guidance on implementing and interpreting the Key Attributes.

Supervisory Colleges for Credit Rating Agencies

This report recommends that supervisory colleges for internationally active CRAs (CRA colleges) be established to serve as a resource for CRA supervisors by facilitating information exchange and, if appropriate, cooperation.

Supervision of Financial Conglomerates

The Joint Forum's final report on Principles for the Supervision of Financial Conglomerates provides a set of principles which supersedes the compendium of principles on this topic developed in 1999 and published in 2001 by the Joint Forum ('the 1999 Principles').

IOSCO Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding

This document is the basis for cooperation and exchange of information among IOSCO members and sets an international benchmark for cross-border cooperation.

FATF Recommendations on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism & Proliferation

A complete set of counter-measures against Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation, covering the required legal, regulatory, and operational measures.

General Principles for Credit Reporting

Credit reporting systems are a key element of countries' financial infrastructure. The General Principles (GPs) aim at strengthening credit reporting systems to effectively support the sound and fair extension of credit in an economy as the foundation for robust and competitive markets. To this end, the GPs promote safe and efficient credit reporting systems.


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