Supervisory guidelines on the integration of ESG factors in the investment and risk management of pension funds

This document contains a set of guidelines on the integration of ESG factors in the area of supervision of pension fund investment and risk management to assist regulators, supervisors and other entities involved in pension funds supervision.

Good Practices on the Role of Pension Supervisory Authorities in Consumer Protection Related to Private Pensions

These Good Practices offer guidance to Pension Supervisory Authorities on how to ensure effective consumer protection in the field of private pensions.

Good Practices for Governance of Pension Supervisory Authorities

The Good Practices provide a list of internationally recognised good governance criteria for consideration and action by pension supervisors. They allow supervisory authorities to compare and evaluate their own governance codes against current global good practices and enable them to take measures to improve them, if necessary.

OECD/IOPS Good Practices on Pension Funds’ Use of Alternative Investments and Derivatives

The good practices reflect what pension regulatory and supervisory authorities usually expect to examine when assessing the risk management of pension funds that use alternative investments and derivatives.

OECD/ IOPS Good Practices for Pension Funds’ Risk Management Systems

The good practices reflect what pension regulatory and supervisory authorities usually expect to examine when assessing the risk management of pension funds that use alternative investments and derivatives are designed to help supervisory authorities in their oversight of alternative investments made by pension funds.

IOPS Principles of Private Pension Supervision

The objectives of private pension supervision focus on protecting the interests of pension fund members and beneficiaries, by promoting the stability, security and good governance of pension funds.

IOPS Guidelines for Supervisory Intervention, Enforcement and Sanctions

These guidelines outline how pension supervisory authorities should apply their intervention, enforcement and sanction powers.

IOPS Guidelines for the Supervisory Assessment of Pension Funds

The purpose of these guidelines is to provide pension supervisors with general supervisory approaches for the conduct of the supervisory process.

OECD/IOPS Guidelines on the Licensing of Pension Entities

These guidelines provide a framework for licensing regulations and the assessment of licensing applications from pension entities.


2019 (1)
2018 (1)
2013 (1)
2010 (1)
2009 (1)
2008 (2)