Elements of Effective Macroprudential Policies

IMF, FSB and BIS document lessons from national and international experience on the development and implementation of macroprudential policies.

Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus

The SDDS Plus was established in 2012 and builds on the SDDS to guide member countries on the provision of economic and financial data to the public to address data gaps revealed during the global financial crisis. The Guide for Adherents and Users provides guidance on the observance of the SDDS Plus requirements and elaborates in detail on the requirements for the nine data categories that are additional to the SDDS.

System of National Accounts

The System of National Accounts (SNA) is the internationally agreed standard set of recommendations on how to compile measures of economic activity in accordance with strict accounting conventions based on economic principles.

Handbook on Securities Statistics

This Handbook on Securities Statistics (Handbook) provides a conceptual framework for the compilation and presentation of statistics on different types of equity and debt securities, including those derived from the securitisation of assets.

Enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS)

The GDDS fosters sound statistical practices with respect to both the compilation and the dissemination of economic, financial, and socio-demographic statistics.

The Financial Crisis and Information Gaps – Fifth Implementation Progress Report

The report highlights the progress since the start of the Data Gaps Initiative (DGI) in 2009, provides benchmarks to determine when to call DGI recommendations complete, and outlines a future work plan.

Letter from IMF-FSB-BIS Work on Data Gaps Involving FX Exposures

The letter describes the work by the IMF, FSB and BIS to address data gaps involving foreign currency exposures.

Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM)

The GFSM, aimed at compilers and users of Government Finance Statistics (GFS), provides a conceptual framework for the collection, compilation, and analytical presentation of government finance data.

Guidelines for Public Debt Management

Broad principles for public debt management that have relevance for countries with a wide range of institutional structures and at different stages of development.

The Financial Crisis and Information Gaps – Fourth Implementation Progress Report

The report takes stock of the progress to date, describes implementation issues and the links with policy work and other initiatives, and outlines the strategy going forward.


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