This report explores the link between leverage and valuation in the light of the recent experience of market stress. Prior to the crisis, traditional balance sheet measures of leverage did not give an unambiguous signal of higher risk during the boom years of 2003-07. While balance sheet leverage increased at European banks and US investment […]
The recommendations cover the following areas: the bank capital framework, bank loan loss provisions, and leverage and valuation.
The objective of financial crisis management is to seek to prevent serious domestic or international financial instability that would have an adverse impact on the real
Prepared remarks by Mario Draghi, Chairman of the Financial Stability Forum at the conclusion of London Summit on 2 April 2009.
In its April 2008 Report on Enhancing Market and Institutional Resilience (“the FSF Report”), the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) and its member bodies issued a comprehensive set of recommendations reflecting a consensus, both internationally and cross-sectorally, on the actions needed to address the fundamental weaknesses that have been at the root of the present turmoil […]
12 March 2009
2008 (15)