26 March 2002
At its March 2002 meeting the FSF: welcomed the efforts of those OFCs which have undertaken and publicly disclosed the results of their IMF Assessments; encouraged those OFCs that have agreed to schedule IMF assessments under Module 2 in 2002 to disclose publicly their results and action plans, and urged strongly those who haven’t to […]
11 March 2002
This note provides a general overview of recent developments in the hedge funds/highly leveraged institutions industry and concludes with issues for the FSF's consideration.
17 November 2001
18 October 2001
24 September 2001
A study group, and subsequently a working group, were tasked in November 1999 with setting out international guidance on the design and operation of deposit insurance systems. The final report was tabled in September 2001 under the chairmanship of Jean-Pierre Sabourin, President of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) of Canada. The report covers: the goals […]
6 September 2001
6 September 2001
This group represents industrial and emerging economies, standard setting bodies and international financial institutions. In September 2001, it reported on progress made towards increasing market and official incentives for countries to implement international standards for their financial systems. The final report is satisfied with progress, but calls for increased efforts at: increasing the effectiveness […]
29 August 2001