Ongoing and Recent Work Relevant to Sound Financial Systems

A series of status reports, collated by the FSF Secretariat, on recent and ongoing work relevant to strengthening financial systems by various international financial institutions, groupings and committees. This document is published twice yearly in March/April and September/October. The document is accompanied by a cover note which highlights and summarises those initiatives started during the […]

FSB Chair Letter to G20 Ministers and Governors on Progress on the Global Regulatory Reform Agenda

FSB Chair's Letter to G20 Ministers and Governors.

Ongoing and Recent Work Relevant to Sound Financial Systems

Ongoing and Recent Work Relevant to Sound Financial Systems

Statement by Mario Draghi Chairman of the Financial Stability Forum International Monetary and Financial Committee Meeting

Principles for Sound Compensation Practices

The Principles are intended to reduce incentives towards excessive risk taking that may arise from the structure of compensation schemes.

FSF issues recommendations and principles to strengthen financial systems

The FSF issued reports today covering recommendations for addressing procyclicality in the financial system, principles for sound compensation practices and principles for cross-border cooperation on crisis management.

Joint FSF-CGFS Working Group – The role of valuation and leverage in procyclicality

This report explores the link between leverage and valuation in the light of the recent experience of market stress. Prior to the crisis, traditional balance sheet measures of leverage did not give an unambiguous signal of higher risk during the boom years of 2003-07. While balance sheet leverage increased at European banks and US investment […]

Re-establishment of the FSF as the Financial Stability Board

Recommendations for Addressing Procyclicality in the Financial System

The recommendations cover the following areas: the bank capital framework, bank loan loss provisions, and leverage and valuation.


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2009 (17)
April (12)
March (3)
2007 (13)
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2005 (12)
2004 (8)
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March (1)
2003 (8)
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2002 (10)
2001 (14)
2000 (14)
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1999 (11)