Third progress report shows considerable progress has been made in implementing the agreed actions to reduce data gaps.
25 September 2018
14 September 2018
Consultation responses to 'Incentives to centrally clear over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives'.
5 September 2018
Consultation responses to ‘Effects of Reforms on Infrastructure Finance Consultative Document'.
30 August 2018
Consultation responses to ‘Cyber Lexicon Consultative Document'.
Public responses to ‘Monitoring the Technical Implementation of the FSB Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) Standard'
16 August 2018
Objectives, scope and process for the thematic peer review on implementation of the LEI.
16 August 2018
Peer review will evaluate progress made by FSB members in response to the G20 Leaders’ call for global adoption of the LEI.
FSB seeks academic subject experts for evaluation of the effects of G20 financial regulation reforms on SME financing.
CCP resources and central clearing exposures are concentrated at a small number of financial institutions.
9 August 2018
A study by standard-setters on the interdependencies between CCPs and clearing members and other financial service providers.