Annual progress report on implementation of agreed reforms to financial benchmarks.
14 November 2018
Report highlights progress in reforms to IBORs and the development of overnight nearly risk-free rates and term rates.
12 November 2018
A lexicon to support work of the FSB and others to address financial sector cyber resilience.
12 November 2018
An overview of responses to the July 2018 consultation on the FSB’s Cyber Lexicon.
12 November 2018
The Cyber Lexicon will support work of the FSB and others to address financial sector cyber resilience.
5 November 2018
FSB holds meeting of RCG for the Middle East and North Africa in Istanbul.
FSB holds meeting of RCG for Asia in Sydney.
FSB’s 2019 work programme reflects its pivot to implementing and evaluating the effects of reforms and addressing new and emerging vulnerabilities.
19 October 2018
FSB holds meeting of RCG for Europe in Vienna.
10 October 2018
FSB analysis considers primary risks from crypto-assets and their financial stability impacts.