Claudia M. Buch, Vice-President, Deutsche Bundesbank takes part in a Bloomberg investor briefing on the FSB's too-big-to-fail evaluation.
Claudia M. Buch, Vice-President, Deutsche Bundesbank takes part in a Toronto Centre technical webinar on the FSB’s evaluation of the too-big-to-fail reforms.
FSB Chair Randal K. Quarles’ letter to the G20 ahead of their July virtual meeting.
15 July 2020
Report on COVID-related financial stability implications, policy measures taken and work to assess their effectiveness.
FSB delivers Chair’s letter and report on COVID-related financial stability implications to the G20.
Letter to the G20 setting out progress on an FSB coordinated project to enhance cross-border payments.
CPMI report sets out building blocks for a roadmap to enhance cross-border payments.
Claudia M. Buch, Vice-President, Deutsche Bundesbank sets out the conclusions from the FSB’s evaluation of the effects of too-big-to-fail reforms in a Bruegel panel discussion.
Report on the remaining challenges in transitioning from LIBOR, with recommendations to support transition.
Report recommends actions to facilitate financial and non-financial firms’ transition from LIBOR by end-2021.