FSB Chair Randal K. Quarles speaks at the annual meeting of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association.
19 October 2020
An overview of responses to the April 2020 consultation.
A toolkit of effective practices for cyber incident response and recovery.
Toolkit sets out financial institutions’ effective practices for cyber incident response and recovery.
19 October 2020
This toolkit sets out financial institutions’ effective practices for cyber incident response and recovery.
16 October 2020
The roadmap sets out key steps to remove remaining dependencies on LIBOR by end-2021.
16 October 2020
Steps firms need to take before end-2021 to remove remaining dependencies on LIBOR.
14 October 2020
Progress updates to the G20 on the work to address market fragmentation.
14 October 2020
The report provides updates on the four areas for further work identified for further work.
14 October 2020
Technology and innovation are transforming the global financial landscape, presenting opportunities, risks and challenges.