FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Leaders: September 2023

FSB Chair Klaas Knot’s letter to the G20 Leaders ahead of their September Summit in New Delhi.

FSB Chair letter to G20 Leaders on Cross-border Payments Roadmap

FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Leaders asks for the G20’s continued support for the Roadmap to enhance cross-border payments.

FSB Chair writes to G20 Leaders ahead of the New Delhi Summit

The Chair outlines FSB work to address vulnerabilities within the financial system and address the financial stability implications of digitalisation and climate change; and calls for continued support as work to enhance cross-border payments shifts to focus on practical projects.

Public responses to consultation on Enhancing Third-Party Risk Management and Oversight: A toolkit for financial institutions and financial authorities

Consultation responses to ‘Enhancing Third-Party Risk Management and Oversight: A toolkit for financial institutions and financial authorities - Consultative document‘.

FSB Annual Financial Report: 2022-23

FSB annual financial report for the 12-month period ending 31 March 2023.

FSB invites feedback on the effects of G20 financial regulatory reforms on securitisation

The FSB is seeking feedback from stakeholders as part of its evaluation on the effects of securitisation reforms agreed by the G20 in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis.

Evaluation on Effects of G20 Reforms on Securitisation: Summary Terms of Reference

Information on the objectives, scope and process of the FSB’s evaluation of G20 securitisation reforms.

Thematic Peer Review on Money Market Fund Reforms: Request for public feedback

Peer review will take stock of the measures adopted by FSB member jurisdictions to enhance money market fund (MMF) resilience, including those jurisdictions’ evidence-based explanation of relevant MMF vulnerabilities and policy choices made.

Final Reflections on the LIBOR Transition

FSB statement following the end of the remaining USD LIBOR panel at the end of June 2023.

Deployment of Unallocated Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (uTLAC): Considerations for Crisis Management Groups (CMGs)

Report outlines considerations on the possible form, location and approaches to deployment of unallocated TLAC (uTLAC) resources to assist effective coordination among authorities in the run-up to and during a resolution of a global systemically important bank (G-SIB).


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