13 September 2009
The Principles and Standards for Sound Compensation Practices intend to reduce incentives towards excessive risk taking that may arise from the structure of compensation schemes for significant financial institutions.
27 June 2009
The FSB held its inaugural meeting in Basel on 26-27 June. This was the first meeting since the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) was re-established as the FSB with an expanded membership and a broader mandate to promote financial stability.
The Monitoring Group, a group of international regulatory bodies and related organizations committed to advancing the public interest in areas related to international audit quality, announces the adoption of a formal Charter.
FSF re-established as the Financial Stability Board with a broadened mandate to promote financial stability.
This document includes high-level principles for cross-border cooperation on crisis management between relevant authorities.
This note reviews some of the ways in which a global influenza pandemic may affect macroeconomic and financial stability and identifies areas which call for planning and coordination by financial system participants and authorities.
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