To G20 Leaders Progress of Financial Regulatory Reforms The Seoul Summit will mark the delivery of two central elements of the reform programme launched in Washington to create a sounder financial system and reduce systemic risk globally: a materially strengthened global framework for bank capital and liquidity, and a comprehensive policy framework to address the […]
This report recommends a policy framework for addressing the systemic and moral hazard risks associated with systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs).
11 November 2010
Press Release: FSB Report on reducing the moral hazard posed by systemically important financial institutions
1 November 2010
1 November 2010
In the aftermath of the financial crisis, the FSB and the G20 Leaders have identified as a priority the need for more intense and effective supervision particularly as it relates to systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs). The level of supervision applied by national authorities must be commensurate with the potential destabilization risk that such firms […]
27 October 2010
The goal of the principles is to reduce mechanistic reliance on CRA ratings and to incentivise improvements in independent credit risk assessment and due diligence capacity.
27 October 2010
The FSB has drawn up the following principles to reduce reliance on CRA ratings in standards, laws and regulations.
25 October 2010
This report sets out 21 recommendations to guide authorities in implementing the G20 Leaders’ commitments to reform global OTC derivatives markets.