This report assesses the progress made by national authorities and significant financial institutions in implementing the Principles and Standards, as well as their impact on compensation practices at firms.
10 October 2011
10 October 2011
This report finds that relevant authorities and firms have made good progress in implementing the FSB Principles and Standards but more work is necessary to achieve sound compensation practices.
10 October 2011
6 October 2011
This consultation paper seeks the views of interested parties on a set of options and proposals to improve the data on linkages between G-SIBs and on their exposures and funding dependencies.
3 October 2011
At its meeting today, the FSB reviewed and approved a number of policy proposals to be submitted to the G20 Summit in November, including on a package of measures to address the “too big to fail” problem.
26 September 2011
This report assesses Australia's progress in addressing issues highlighted by the FSAP in areas such as resolution and crisis management, banking supervision, securities regulation, and insurance supervision.
26 September 2011
The report finds that significant and commendable progress has been made in addressing FSAP recommendations across all financial sectors, but there remains scope for further progress in a few areas.
24 September 2011
This statement highlights some key priority areas for policy development and implementation.
This consultative document contains a comprehensive package of proposed policy measures to improve the capacity of authorities to resolve SIFIs. Comments should be sent to [email protected] by 2 September 2011.