Shell banks and booking offices

This document sets out the Committee's conclusions as regards the supervisory treatment of shell banks and booking offices.

Parallel-owned banking structures

This document sets out supervisory guidance for dealing with parallel banks.

Supervisory Guidance on Dealing with Weak Banks

At its 26 March 2002 meeting, the FSF welcomed a report on Guidance on Dealing with Weak Banks by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and its Core Principles Liaison Group. This guidance offers practical advice on identifying bank problems early and methods to deal with them.

Report of the Multidisciplinary Working Group on Enhanced Disclosure

1. Summary and recommendations This report contains recommendations for improving the public disclosure practices of financial intermediaries. These recommendations are being put forward by a Multidisciplinary Working Group on Enhanced Disclosure (the Working Group), jointly sponsored by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the Committee on the Global Financial System of the G-10 central […]

Principles for the Management of Credit Risk

This paper provides guidance on credit risk in all types of banking activities, including lending, trading, investments, liquidity/funding management and asset management (September 2000).

Sound Practices for Banks’ Interactions with Highly Leveraged Institutions

This paper sets out sound practice standards for the management of counterparty credit risk inherent in banks' trading and derivatives activities with highly leveraged institutions (HLIs).

Framework for Internal Control Systems in Banking Organisations

The paper describes the essential elements of a sound internal control system. The principles set out in the paper are intended to be of general application and supervisory authorities should use them in assessing their own supervisory methods and procedures for monitoring how banks structure their internal control systems.

Enhancing Bank Transparency

This paper discusses the role of information in effective market discipline and effective banking supervision, recommending that banks provide timely information to market participants and that supervisors focus their efforts on encouraging high-quality public disclosure at reasonable cost (September 1998).

The Supervision of Cross-border Banking

This Report is prepared in collaboration with the Offshore Group of Banking Supervisors with respect to the implementation of the Concordat. It provides twenty-nine recommendations aimed at reducing impediments to the effective supervision of cross-border banking.

Principles for the Supervision of Banks’ Foreign Establishments (the Concordat)

This Report sets out principles governing the supervision of banks' foreign establishments by home and host banking supervisory authorities. It deals exclusively with their responsibilities for monitoring the prudential conduct and soundness of the business of banks' foreign establishments (May 1983).


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