Supervisory guidance on the use of the fair value option for financial instruments by banks

This document was issued to provide supervisors with guidance on the prudential supervision of banks' implementation of the fair value option.

Home-host information sharing for effective Basel II implementation

This document addresses the question of information sharing between home and host supervisors under the Basel II Capital Framework.

Guidance on the estimation of loss given default (Reference to Paragraph 468 of the Basel II framework)

This document provides further clarification surrounding the quantification of loss-given-default (LGD) parameters used for Pillar 1 capital calculations.This guidance is not intended to amend the Revised Basel II Framework Document issued in June 2004 or to introduce any new rules.

Compliance and the compliance function in banks

This document provides basic guidance for banks and sets out banking supervisors' views on compliance in banking organisations.

Report of the Joint Forum on Credit Risk Transfer

This final report, issued on a consultative basis in October 2004, contains a series of recommendations for market participants and supervisors in the areas of risk management, disclosure, and supervisory approaches.

Inauguration of the Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB)

Outsourcing in Financial Services

This document presents a set of principles to assist firms and regulators in considering their outsourcing activities

Report of the Joint Forum on Credit Risk Transfer

This consultative report responds to a request by the Financial Stability Forum (FSF) for the Joint Forum to undertake a review of credit risk transfer (CRT) activity.

High-level principles for the cross-border implementation of the New Accord

This document sets out 6 principles that should apply in fostering closer practical cooperation between supervisors so as to implement the New Accord as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Management and supervision of cross-border electronic banking activities

This document expresses supervisory expectations and guidance as to banks carrying out cross-border electronic banking activities, as well as to their home and host supervisors.


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