The Basel Core Principles provide a comprehensive standard for establishing a sound foundation for the regulation, supervision, governance and risk management of the banking sector.
25 April 2024
16 December 2022
This standard sets out how the Basel Framework is to be applied in respect of banks’ exposures to cryptoassets. The implementation date is 1 January 2025. The standard has been integrated into the consolidated Basel Framework.
15 June 2022
This document is intended to promote a principles-based approach to improving both banks' risk management and supervisors' practices related to climate-related financial risks.
31 March 2021
The document outlines a set of principles that provide a framework for the effective management and supervision of operational risk, for use by banks and supervisory authorities when evaluating operational risk management policies and practices. It updates the February 2003 Sound Practices for the Management and Supervision of Operational Risk.
31 March 2021
The objective of these guidelines is to promote a principles-based approach to improving bank’s operational resilience.
The objective of these guidelines is to contribute to the high-quality audits of internationally active banks by communicating supervisory expectations for the audit of ECL estimates and providing questions that banks' audit committees may ask the external auditor.
Report on the remaining challenges in transitioning from LIBOR, with recommendations to support transition.
Report recommends actions to facilitate financial and non-financial firms’ transition from LIBOR by end-2021.
Official and private sector participants discuss effectiveness of COVID-related financial policy measures.
15 December 2019
This standard establishes minimum standards for margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives. Such requirements reduce systemic risk with respect to non-standardised derivatives by reducing contagion and spillover risks and promoting central clearing.