Financial Stability Board


Results 141 - 160 of 321

FSB publishes progress report to G20 on action plan to assess and address the decline in corresponde

to support affected jurisdictions in conducting risk assessments and developing effective anti-money laundering

25 August 2016

Stocktake of remittance service providers’ access to banking services


16 March 2018

Regulation, Supervision and Oversight of “Global Stablecoin” Arrangements: Final Report and High-Lev

Regulatory or supervisory principles around consumer and investor protection, data privacy, Anti-money laundering

12 October 2020

FSB Regional Consultative Group for Asia discusses macroprudential frameworks, financial technology

regulators with respect to their expectations, the implementation by banks of a risk-based anti-money laundering

2 December 2016

FSB identifies frictions from data frameworks that pose challenges to enhancing cross-border payment

obligations under different data frameworks, such as obligations related to data privacy and to anti-money laundering

25 September 2023

FSB RCG for Asia discusses management of capital flows, stress tests, cyber security, the use of Fin

received presentations that suggest that the perception of country risk, counterparty risk, anti-money laundering

5 November 2018

FSB publishes progress report on measures to address the decline in correspondent banking and updated data

Reports show actions by authorities to address the decline in the number of correspondent banking relationships - a further 4% reduction took place in 2017.

16 November 2018

Regulatory issues of stablecoins

market integrity, anti- competitive behaviour, lack of adequate data protection, concerns about money laundering

17 October 2019

Response to FSB Stablecoin consultation

.18 A Financial Action Task Force (FATF) report to the G20 raises similar concerns on potential money laundering

23 July 2020

Press Release FSB RCG Asia 9th Meeting

such behaviour include concerns about the legal risk of penalties in case of breach with Anti-Money Laundering

20 October 2015

G20 Osaka Leaders’ Declaration

applying the recently amended FATF Standards to virtual assets and related providers for anti-money laundering

1 July 2019

IMF-FSB Synthesis Paper: Policies for Crypto-Assets

“Review of the Fund’s Strategy on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism.”

7 September 2023


Banking Supervision (BCBS) of revised guidelines on sound management of risks related to anti-money laundering

3 July 2017

FSB publishes progress report on addressing declines in correspondent banking and recommendations on

providers’, including profitability, the perceived high risk of the remittance sector from an anti-money laundering

16 March 2018

G20 Roadmap for Enhancing Cross-border Payments: Priorities for the next phase of work

As an example, inconsistent implementation of or variations on Anti Money Laundering / Combatting the

13 October 2022

Ongoing and Recent Work Relevant to Sound Financial Systems

In November 2002, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) 40 Recommendations on Anti-Money Laundering

26 February 2008


identified non-cooperative jurisdictions to take the actions requested by the FSB; - In the anti-money laundering

2 May 2014

FSB assesses financial vulnerabilities and takes stock of actions under its 2018 workplan

FSB Plenary agrees next steps on monitoring of crypto-asset risks, cyber resilience, evaluations of the effects of reforms and a review of processes and transparency.

25 June 2018

Implementation and Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms: 3rd Annual Report

guidance on correspondent banking in its guidelines on the Sound management of risks related to money laundering

6 September 2017

Response to FSB's proposed framework for the international regulation of crypto-asset activities

and crypto-asset issuer entities is essential to support financial stability and tackle anti-money laundering

4 January 2023

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Last updated: 14 May 2019