Financial Stability Board


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A draft framework for money laundering/terrorist financing risk assessment of a remittance corridor

A draft framework for money laundering/terrorist financing risk assessment of a remittance corridor use

13 December 2021

FSB Framework for strengthening adherence to international standards revised

adherence to international standards in the tax area, and by FATF for standards concerning anti-money laundering

2 March 2010


The FATF is currently reviewing the money laundering (ML) and terrorism financing (TF) risks associated

18 May 2020

Speech by Mark Carney at the Deutsche Bundesbank G20 confernce, Wiesbaden, on Wednesay 25 January 20

issues with these new products and services, must be addressed including client suitability, Anti-Money Laundering

25 January 2017

International Regulation of Crypto-asset Activities: A proposed framework – questions for consultati

In June 2019, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) extended its anti- money laundering and counter-terrorist

13 October 2022

Targets for Addressing the Four Challenges of Cross-Border Payments: Consultative document

slow processes for funding and defunding, daily cut-off times and closing times, as well as Anti-Money Laundering

10 June 2021

Response to FSB Stablecoin consultation

AMLD) 2 and, therefore, they can be easily exploited for money laundering and terrorist financing (ML

23 July 2020

Response to FSB Stablecoin consultation

., “Don’t Block The Blockchain: How Canada Can Guard Against Money Laundering While Maintaining Global

23 July 2020

Thematic Review on Implementation of the Legal Entity Identifier: Peer Review Report

Analytical Database on Individual Multinationals and their Affiliates (OECD) Anti-money laundering and

28 May 2019

Crypto-assets regulators directory

AUSTRAC is Australia’s anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AML/CTF) regulator and

5 April 2019

Ongoing and Recent Work Relevant to Sound Financial Systems

: On 20 June 2003, the FATF issued its Forty Recommendations to combat money laundering.

26 February 2008

Correspondent banking - Press Release

drivers given by the large banks for their reduction in correspondent banking were concerns about money laundering

6 November 2015

BCBS, CPMI, FATF and FSB welcome industry initiative facilitating correspondent banking

, such as their ownership, the products and services they offer and their programmes for Anti-Money Laundering

6 March 2018

FSB RCG for Asia discusses cross-border resolution, effects of the reforms, FinTech and RegTech, and

Money laundering and terrorist financing risks are a concern in the context of several areas of the FSB

11 May 2018

Enhancing Cross-border Payments: Stage 3 roadmap

lack of interoperability; complexities in meeting compliance requirements, including for anti- money laundering

3 November 2020

Response to FSB Stablecoin consultation

Legal uncertainty, money laundering, financing of terrorism, stability of payment systems, cyber security

23 July 2020

Crypto-asset markets: Potential channels for future financial stability implications

such as the need for consumer and investor protection; strong market integrity protocols; anti-money laundering

9 October 2018

Recommendations for Regulating and Supervising Bank and Non-bank Payment Service Providers Offering

On AML/CFT, the fifth anti-money laundering directive71 entered into force in June 2018.

16 July 2024

Anti-money laundering and terrorist financing measures and financial inclusion.

10 May 2017

Ongoing and Recent Work Relevant to Sound Financial Systems

The Fund and the Bank are working to coordinate technical assistance on anti-money laundering/countering

26 February 2008

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Last updated: 14 May 2019