Progress Reports

194 results

The Financial Crisis and Information Gaps – Third Implementation Progress Report

This paper reports on progress being made at the international and national levels in implementing the DGI recommendations and developing analytical work on new statistical frameworks.

Second progress note on LEI initiative

Progress note on LEI initiative

Overview of Progress in the Implementation of the G20 Recommendations for Strengthening Financial Stability

Since the onset of the global financial crisis, the G20 has established core elements of a new global financial regulatory framework that will make the financial system more resilient and better able to serve the needs of the real economy. National authorities and international bodies, with the Financial Stability Board (FSB) as a central locus […]

FSB Chair Letter to G20 Leaders on Progress of Financial Regulatory Reforms

Third Progress Report on Implementation of OTC Derivatives Market Reforms

This is the FSB’s third progress report on implementation of OTC derivatives market reforms.

First progress report on compensation practices

This report describes the developments in implementing the FSB Principles and Standards (P&S) in their national regulation or supervisory guidance over the relatively short time period since the October 2011 thematic peer review.

Extending the G-SIFI Framework to Domestic Systemically Important Banks

This report describes progress made to extend the SIFI framework to banks that are systemically important in a domestic context (D-SIBs)

Extending the G-SIFI Framework to domestic systemically important banks

Progress Report to the G20 on Strengthening the Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking