The recommendations cover the following areas: the bank capital framework, bank loan loss provisions, and leverage and valuation.
Policy Documents
74 results
The objective of financial crisis management is to seek to prevent serious domestic or international financial instability that would have an adverse impact on the real
26 March 2002
At its 26 March 2002 meeting, the FSF welcomed a report on Guidance on Dealing with Weak Banks by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and its Core Principles Liaison Group. This guidance offers practical advice on identifying bank problems early and methods to deal with them.
24 September 2001
A study group, and subsequently a working group, were tasked in November 1999 with setting out international guidance on the design and operation of deposit insurance systems. The final report was tabled in September 2001 under the chairmanship of Jean-Pierre Sabourin, President of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) of Canada. The report covers: the goals […]