Policy Documents

73 results

Key Attributes Assessment Methodology for the Banking Sector

A methodology for assessing the implementation of the Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regimes for Financial Institutions in the banking sector.

Guidance on Arrangements to Support Operational Continuity in Resolution

FSB guidance on operational continuity in resolution to support the resolution planning work of authorities and firms.

Guiding principles on the temporary funding needed to support the orderly resolution of a global systemically important bank (“G-SIB”)

FSB guiding principles on funding in resolution to ensure that temporary funding is available to enable the effective resolution of G-SIBs without bail-out by the public sector.

Developing Effective Resolution Strategies and Plans for Systemically Important Insurers

Guidance for authorities in planning resolution of systemically important insurers.

Standards and Processes for Global Securities Financing Data Collection and Aggregation

FSB standards and processes to allow the FSB to periodically collect aggregated data on securities financing transactions.

Regulatory framework for haircuts on non-centrally cleared securities financing transactions

FSB framework for numerical haircut floors to non-bank-to-non-bank securities financing transactions.

Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) Principles and Term Sheet

Final TLAC Principles and Term Sheet agreed by the FSB as part of measures to end too-big-to-fail.

Principles for Cross-border Effectiveness of Resolution Actions

FSB publishes guiding principles on statutory and contractual mechanisms to give cross-border effect to resolution actions in accordance with the Key Attributes.

Guidance on Cooperation and Information Sharing with Host Authorities of Jurisdictions where a G-SIFI has a Systemic Presence that are Not Represented on its CMG

Guidance to ensure host regulators are given sufficient information by home regulators on SIFI resolution where a firm is systemic for a host market.

FSB Review of the Structure of its Representation

This report sets out measures to strengthen the voice of emerging market and developing economies in the FSB while also preserving the effectiveness of its decision making process.