Peer Review Reports

58 results

Peer Review of Mexico

Peer review on implementation of the reforms to OTC derivatives markets in Mexico.

Peer Review of South Africa

Peer review of the framework for bank resolution and deposit insurance in South Africa.

Thematic Review on Implementation of the Legal Entity Identifier

Peer review examines implementation of the LEI to support authorities and market participants in identifying and managing financial risks.

Thematic Peer Review on Bank Resolution Planning

Review of bank resolution planning in FSB member jurisdictions.

Thematic peer review on bank resolution planning: Summary Terms of Reference

Objectives, scope and process for the thematic peer review of bank resolution planning.

Peer Review of Hong Kong

Peer review examines Hong Kong’s implementation of OTC derivative market reforms and the framework for resolution of financial institutions.

Peer Review of Singapore

Peer review examines Singapore’s frameworks for macroprudential policy and resolution of financial institutions.

Peer Review of Korea

Peer review examines Korea’s crisis management and resolution framework, and the regulation and supervision of non-bank depository institutions.

Peer Review of Argentina

Peer review examines Argentina’s macroprudential policy framework and the framework for crisis management and resolution.

Peer review of France

Peer review examines France’s macroprudential policy framework and public disclosure of financial sector data.