
155 results

Reducing misconduct risks in the financial sector: Progress report to G20 Leaders

Progress report on actions to tackle misconduct as part of FSB workplan.

Implementing the FSB Principles for Sound Compensation Practices and their Implementation Standards: Fifth progress report

Biennial progress report on the implementation of the FSB standards on compensation.

Implementation and Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms – Dashboard

Dashboard from the third annual report to G20 Leaders on the implementation status of priority reform areas.

Implementation and Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms: Third Annual Report

Third annual report to G20 Leaders on the implementation and effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms.

FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Leaders – building a safer, simpler and fairer financial system

FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Leaders ahead of their meeting in Hamburg on 7-8 July.

Supplementary Guidance to the FSB Principles and Standards on Sound Compensation Practices

Consultation on the use of compensation practices and tools to reduce misconduct incidents.

Stocktake of efforts to strengthen governance frameworks to mitigate misconduct risks

FSB report on international activities to reduce misconduct risk.

Thematic Review on Corporate Governance

Peer review examines the implementation of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance in FSB jurisdictions.

FSB-IOSCO Roundtable on Compensation Practices in the Securities Sector

Summary of an FSB/IOSCO roundtable on compensation practices in the securities sector.

Chair’s letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors ahead of their Baden-Baden meeting

Letter from the FSB Chair to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors highlights progress on implementing reforms and 2017 priorities.