
881 results

Supervisory Guidance on Dealing with Weak Banks

At its 26 March 2002 meeting, the FSF welcomed a report on Guidance on Dealing with Weak Banks by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and its Core Principles Liaison Group. This guidance offers practical advice on identifying bank problems early and methods to deal with them.

Ongoing and Recent Work Relevant to Sound Financial Systems

The FSF Recommendations and Concerns Raised by Highly Leveraged Institutions (HLIs): An Assessment

This note provides a general overview of recent developments in the hedge funds/highly leveraged institutions industry and concludes with issues for the FSF’s consideration.

Guidance for Developing Effective Deposit Insurance Systems

A study group, and subsequently a working group, were tasked in November 1999 with setting out international guidance on the design and operation of deposit insurance systems. The final report was tabled in September 2001 under the chairmanship of Jean-Pierre Sabourin, President of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) of Canada. The report covers: the goals […]

Follow-Up Group on Incentives to Foster Implementation of Standards

  This group represents industrial and emerging economies, standard setting bodies and international financial institutions. In September 2001, it reported on progress made towards increasing market and official incentives for countries to implement international standards for their financial systems. The final report is satisfied with progress, but calls for increased efforts at: increasing the effectiveness […]

Ongoing and Recent Work Relevant to Sound Financial Systems

Report of the Multidisciplinary Working Group on Enhanced Disclosure

1. Summary and recommendations This report contains recommendations for improving the public disclosure practices of financial intermediaries. These recommendations are being put forward by a Multidisciplinary Working Group on Enhanced Disclosure (the Working Group), jointly sponsored by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the Committee on the Global Financial System of the G-10 central […]

Progress in Implementing the Recommendations of the Working Group on HLIs

This is a progress report on the recommendations of the Working Group created at the FSF’s inaugural meeting in April 1999, under the chairmanship of Mr Howard Davies, Chairman, Financial Services Authority, UK, to review the implications of Highly Leveraged Institutions (HLIs) for global stability. The report notes that good progress is being made to […]

Working Group on Deposit Insurance — Progress Report

In April 2000, the Financial Stability Forum established a Working Group on Deposit Insurance (the .Working Group.). The Working Group.s mandate (for a list of members see Annex A) is to develop guidance on sound deposit insurance arrangements. The mandate also specifies that the .development of the guidance should be undertaken through a consultative process […]

Ongoing and Recent Work Relevant to Sound Financial Systems