Annual progress report sets out the main insights from the key performance indicators monitoring report and outlines progress on priority themes, including some examples of concrete improvements that have been made or that are underway.
879 results
9 October 2023
Report takes stock of existing national and regional data frameworks, identifies areas of frictions and sets out next steps for promoting alignment and interoperability across data frameworks applicable to cross-border payments.
19 September 2023
Report proposes a set of resolution-specific resources and tools to support the resolution of a central counterparty (CCP).
Consultation responses to ‘Addressing Structural Vulnerabilities from Liquidity Mismatch in Open-Ended Funds – Revisions to the FSB’s 2017 Policy Recommendations: Consultation report: Consultative document‘.
7 September 2023
Paper describes how the policy and regulatory frameworks for crypto-assets developed by the IMF and the FSB (alongside standard-setting bodies) fit together and interact with each other.
Report sets out progress over the past year and planned work under the FSB’s work programme to enhance the resilience of non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI).
6 September 2023
Report provides an overview of aggregate NBFI leverage trends across FSB jurisdictions and the vulnerabilities associated with that leverage.
5 September 2023
FSB Chair Klaas Knot’s letter to the G20 Leaders ahead of their September Summit in New Delhi.
5 September 2023
FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Leaders asks for the G20’s continued support for the Roadmap to enhance cross-border payments.
5 September 2023
Consultation responses to ‘Enhancing Third-Party Risk Management and Oversight: A toolkit for financial institutions and financial authorities – Consultative document‘.