
880 results

Implementation and effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms

The first annual report to the G20 on the implementation and effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms.

Implementation of the G20 financial regulatory reforms – Dashboard

Dashboard from the first annual report to the G20 on the implementation and effects of the G20 financial regulatory reforms.

Disclosure task force on climate-related risks

FSB proposal to G20 recommends creation of task force to consider climate change risk.

Report to the G20 on actions taken to assess and address the decline in correspondent banking

Report to the G20 on emerging findings shows a reduction in correspondent banking and sets out planned steps to address this reduction.

Measures to reduce misconduct risk

Update on the FSB-coordinated work on addressing misconduct in the financial industry.

Peer Review of Saudi Arabia

The peer review examines three topics relevant for financial stability and important for Saudi Arabia: the macroprudential policy framework; bank resolution; and deposit insurance.

Thematic Review of OTC Derivatives Trade Reporting

FSB peer review on trade reporting of over-the-counter derivatives shows implementation progress but highlights issues on legal barriers and data quality.

OTC Derivatives Market Reforms: Tenth Progress Report on Implementation

Tenth Progress Report on Implementation: FSB report provides an update on the implementation of the agreed G20 reforms to over-the-counter derivatives market.

Principles for Cross-border Effectiveness of Resolution Actions

FSB publishes guiding principles on statutory and contractual mechanisms to give cross-border effect to resolution actions in accordance with the Key Attributes.

Guidance on Cooperation and Information Sharing with Host Authorities of Jurisdictions where a G-SIFI has a Systemic Presence that are Not Represented on its CMG

Guidance to ensure host regulators are given sufficient information by home regulators on SIFI resolution where a firm is systemic for a host market.