Letter from FSB Chair to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors sets out the FSB’s work programme for 2016.
882 results
27 February 2016
23 February 2016
This report considers potential measures for the re-use of non-cash collateral and related data elements to help assess global trends and financial stability risks.
Public responses received on the 3 November 2015 consultative document “Temporary Funding Needed to Support the Orderly Resolution of a Global Systemically Important Bank”.
21 January 2016
Public responses received on the 3 November 2015 consultative document “Arrangements to Support Operational Continuity in Resolution”.
Public responses received on the 4 January 2016 to the consultative document on Developing Effective Resolution Strategies and Plans for Systemically Important Insurers.
This statement by the Enhanced Disclosure Standards Task Force sets out how the EDTF recommendations should be applied to a bank receiving central bank liquidity support.
Report from the Enhanced Disclosure Task Force on changes banks will need to make to their financial disclosures with the implementation of a new expected credit loss accounting standard.
Third progress report on the implementation on the recommendations from the Enhanced Disclosure Task Force.
19 November 2015
The peer review examines two topics relevant for financial stability and important for Turkey: the macroprudential policy framework and tools; and bank resolution.
18 November 2015
FSB standards and processes to allow the FSB to periodically collect aggregated data on securities financing transactions.