
885 results

Second phase of the G20 Data Gaps Initiative (DGI-2): Second Progress Report

Progress report on actions to address data gaps.

Peer Review of Argentina

Peer review examines Argentina’s macroprudential policy framework and the framework for crisis management and resolution.

Guidance on Central Counterparty Resolution and Resolution Planning: Overview of Responses to the Public Consultation

An overview of responses to the February 2017 consultation on central counterparty resolution and resolution planning.

Guiding Principles on the Internal Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity of G-SIBs (‘Internal TLAC’): Overview of Responses to the Public Consultation

An overview of responses to the December 2016 consultation on the internal Total Loss-absorbing Capacity of G-SIBs (‘Internal TLAC’).

Guidance on Continuity of Access to Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs) for a Firm in Resolution: Overview of Responses to the Public Consultation

An overview of responses to the December 2016 consultation on the continuity of access to financial market infrastructures (FMIs) for a firm in resolution.

Public Responses to consultation on proposed governance arrangements for the Unique Transaction Identifier (UTI)

Consultation responses to ‘Proposed governance arrangements for the unique transaction identifier (UTI)’.

Public Responses to February 2017 consultative document on Guidance on Central Counterparty Resolution and Resolution Planning

Consultation responses to ‘Guidance on Central Counterparty Resolution and Resolution Planning

Peer review of France

Peer review examines France’s macroprudential policy framework and public disclosure of financial sector data.

Guidance on Continuity of Access to Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs) for a Firm in Resolution

Final guidance on continuity of access to FMIs to support the resolution planning work of authorities and firms.

Guiding Principles on the Internal Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity of G-SIBs (‘Internal TLAC’)

Final guiding principles on internal TLAC to support the implementation of the TLAC standard.