
882 results

Interest rate benchmark reform: overnight risk-free rates and term rates

Update on progress to implement risk-free rates as part of reforms to interest rate benchmarks.

Cyber Lexicon Consultative Document

Consultation on the FSB’s draft Cyber Lexicon that is intended to support the work of the FSB and others to address financial sector cyber resilience.

Funding Strategy Elements of an Implementable Resolution Plan

Guidance to support the development of plans for G-SIB funding in resolution.

Principles on Bail-in Execution

Principles to assist authorities operationalise resolution strategies for global systemically important banks.

Funding Strategy Elements of an Implementable Resolution Plan: Overview of Responses to the Public Consultation

An overview of responses to the November 2017 consultation on the funding strategy elements of an implementable resolution plan.

Principles on Bail-in Execution: Overview of Responses to the Public Consultation

An overview of responses to the November 2017 consultation on principles on bail-in execution.

Monitoring the Technical Implementation of the FSB Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) Standard: Call for public feedback

FSB call for public feedback as part of its work to monitor implementation of the bail-in standard.

Thematic peer review on bank resolution planning: Summary Terms of Reference

Objectives, scope and process for the thematic peer review of bank resolution planning.

Public responses to the second consultation on Governance arrangements for the unique product identifier (UPI)

Consultation responses to ‘Governance arrangements for the unique product identifier (UPI)’.

Recommendations for consistent national reporting of data on the use of compensation tools to address misconduct risk

Consultation on recommendations to assist national supervisory authorities to consider and monitor the effectiveness of compensation tools.