
885 results

Evaluation of the effects of financial regulatory reforms on small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) financing: Overview of responses to the consultation

An overview of responses to the June 2019 consultation.

Regulatory framework for haircuts on non-centrally cleared securities financing transactions

Policy recommendations in the framework for haircuts on certain non-centrally cleared securities financing transactions.

2019 list of global systemically important banks (G-SIBs)

30 banks identified as G-SIBs through the annual identification process.

2019 Resolution Report: “Mind the Gap”

Annual report on implementation of resolution reforms.

Finalisation of IAIS holistic framework for the assessment and mitigation of systemic risk in the insurance sector

FSB statement of support for the International Association of Insurance Supervisors’ insurance holistic framework.

Regulatory issues of stablecoins

FSB workplan on stablecoins.

Implementation and Effects of the G20 Financial Regulatory Reforms: Fifth Annual Report

2019 annual report to the G20 on the implementation and effects of the financial regulatory reforms.

OTC Derivatives Market Reforms: 2019 Progress Report on Implementation

Annual report on implementation of the agreed reforms to OTC derivatives markets.

Updates on the Work on Market Fragmentation

Updates to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on further work on market fragmentation.

FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors: October 2019

Randal K. Quarles’ letter to the G20 ahead of meetings in Washington D.C.