An overview of responses to the April 2020 consultation.
885 results
19 October 2020
A toolkit of effective practices for cyber incident response and recovery.
16 October 2020
Steps firms need to take before end-2021 to remove remaining dependencies on LIBOR.
14 October 2020
Progress updates to the G20 on the work to address market fragmentation.
14 October 2020
FSB Chair Randal K. Quarles’ letter to the G20 ahead of their October virtual meeting.
13 October 2020
A roadmap to address the key challenges faced by cross-border payments.
High-level recommendations that promote coordinated and effective regulation, supervision and oversight of global stablecoin arrangements.
An overview of responses to the April 2020 consultation.
Market developments and potential financial stability implications of the growth in BigTech financial services in emerging market and developing economies.
Market developments and financial stability implications of the use of SupTech and RegTech.