
880 results

US Dollar Funding and Emerging Market Economy Vulnerabilities

This report, which forms part of the FSB’s work programme on non-bank financial intermediation, presents the findings of FSB work with IMF staff on the interaction between US dollar (USD) funding and external vulnerabilities in emerging market economies (EMEs).

FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors: April 2022

FSB Chair’s letter discusses current challenges for financial stability following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the FSB’s work to bolster financial system resilience.

FSB Statement Welcoming Smooth Transition Away from LIBOR

This statement takes stock of the transition from LIBOR, following the end-2021 transition milestone, sets out key messages for market participants for 2022-23 and information on the FSB’s future work to support the transition.

FSB Work Programme for 2022

Annual work programme and publication timetable for the FSB.

FinTech and Market Structure in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for financial stability

Report analyses evolution of retail digital financial services provision by BigTechs, FinTechs and incumbent financial institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Central Counterparty Financial Resources for Recovery and Resolution

This report presents the outcome of evidence gathering and analysis on existing financial resources and tools for central counterparty (CCP) recovery and resolution.

Approaches to Debt Overhang Issues of Non-financial Corporates: Discussion paper

Discussion paper aims to share emerging industry and policy responses to address debt overhang issues for non-financial corporates, as well as a conceptual framework for considering policy implications in light of COVID-19 specific challenges.

FSB Chair’s letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors: February 2022

FSB Chair’s letter outlines the FSB’s policy work to promote global financial resilience in 2022.

Assessment of Risks to Financial Stability from Crypto-assets

This report provides the FSB’s view on recent developments in crypto-asset markets and their implications for global financial stability.

Internal Interconnectedness in Resolution Planning for Insurers: Practices Paper

This paper explores ways to map and assess financial and operational interconnectedness within an insurance group to facilitate effective resolution planning.